Monday, June 16, 2008

Mission Statement

I'm firing this off quickly before I go to bed. This is not the expected trend for the blog posts I expect to occur here, and therefore* this is certainly not the most fitting introduction I can make. My goals for this blog are:

*A place to verbally work out the bigger 'issues' that I'm considering on a daily/weekly basis.
*A forum to vent concerns in my daily life.
*A site that forces me to write in a manner that is more adult and well thought out than my livejournal. Though it is 7 years strong, I think its time to move onto a different platform.
*An impetus to write more frequently, and to keep my mental gears oiled up and moving slickly.
*A place to post some of my better entries from my livejournal.
*To create the kind of blog where I can write semi-intellectually, without using words like "therefore" without a little tinge of self awareness, and how douchebaggy I might sound using the word.



*twinge of douchebaggery.

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